How can you help a mentally ill person?


People suffering from different kinds of mental disorders often find it difficult to open up to their close ones. Well, it is mainly because people don’t take mental health seriously. People are not educated and aware enough of these kinds of issues and hence find it difficult to communicate with people suffering from mental disorders.

Some of the first steps you can take to communicate better with someone suffering from mental disorders is as follows:

1. Educate Yourself: 

you can start with learning about the person's specific mental health condition to understand them better. This can help you provide more details into the persons life and help them get better.

2. Communicate Openly: 

Don’t feel ashamed to talk about mental disorders. One should be open and non-judgmental about such topics. Let them know that you are there for them and are willing to listen to their issues.   

3. Be emotionally supportive: 

You have to try to understand their thoughts and understand their feelings.  It goes a long way in making the other person feel safe and comfortable.

4. Avoid rude Language: 

While talking to depressed or stressed people you should be careful of the language you use. Try to avoid triggering words and don’t jump into conclusions midway. Try to use neutral and kind language.

5. Offer Support: 

You can always offer to help with day-to-day tasks. This can include grocery shopping, cooking, or assisting with household works.

6. Ask them to consider psychiatric treatment: 

You can ask them to seek for professional help, such as therapy or counselling. You can also offer to help them find a psychiatrist or go with them to appointments if they are comfortable with that.

7. Respect Boundaries: 

You have to understand that the person may need space or time alone. You will have to respect their boundaries while still offering them your support.

8. Stay In Touch:

 Depressed people often isolate themselves so you have to regularly check in on the person. Constant support and connection can always make a difference.

9. Take Care of Yourself: 

We know that taking care of someone with a mental illness can be emotionally difficult. So, you have to make sure you list your own mental health and seek support for yourself if needed.

What do we offer at NeuroMindTMS Centre in Delhi?

NeuroMind TMS is a psychiatry centre that focuses in providing treatment for Depression, Anxiety, OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), and other Mental Health Conditions. We believe in practising a treatment called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) as part of our approach.

TMS is practice that uses magnetic fields to excite specific areas of the brain. This therapy is a psychiatric treatment that is used to treat certain mental disorders illness. It also involves the use of magnetic fields to excite nerve cells in the brain, particularly in areas linked with mood regulation.

Our services

Counselling CBT by NeuroMind TMS

Counselling CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is a very commonly used psychiatric treatment. When we combine it withTranscranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), then we can achieve a proper treatment plan for individuals suffering from various mental health conditions.

Anxiety Treatments:

At NeuroMind TMS, we understand the effects that anxiety can have on a person’s daily life. Our Anxiety Treatment Services in Delhi NCR are planned to provide effective care for individuals struggling with anxiety disorders. We believe in using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy, that has shown positive results in controlling anxiety signs.

Depression Treatment:

At NeuroMindTMS, we understand the effects that depression can have on a person’s daily life. Our Services in Delhi NCR are planned to provide help for individuals struggling with depression.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treatment:

Our team of experienced medical psychiatrist will take evaluations to understand the nature of your OCD symptoms. We have a look through your medical history, symptom profile, and personal goals to develop a customized treatment plan.

PTSD Treatment:

Based on the results, our team makes treatment plans for your needs. We take into account various factors to your PTSD such as trauma history, cognitive functioning, and co-occurring conditions.

Migraine Treatment:

TMS therapy for migraines naturally involves multiple treatment sessions over several weeks. Each session can last from 20 to 40 minutes. The exact number of sessions can vary depending on the individual’s specific needs.